
Showing 181-190 of 190 items.

Plant Agar

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P1001.0100 100 g $ 89.00
P1001.1000 1 kg $ 295.00
P1001.5000 5 kg $ 729.00


Duchefa Plant Agar is the preferred choice in Plant cell and Tissue culture as a general purpose agar and combines good quality with a favorable price. Agar is derived from red algae and is comprised of a mix of large polysaccharide agarose molecules and smaller, heterogeneous molecules called agaropectin.

Plant agar can be used in a minimal concentration of 5.5 g/l to to obtain a solid gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P1001
CAS # 9002-18-0
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
P1001.0100 In stock 100 g $ 89.00
P1001.1000 In stock 1 kg $ 295.00
P1001.5000 2-3 Weeks 5 kg $ 729.00

Protein A Agarose Resin (Pharmaceutical grade for research)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-400-5 5 mL $ 195.00
P-400-25 25 mL $ 755.00
P-400-50 50 mL $ 1,385.00
P-400-100 100 mL $ 2,349.00


Protein A agarose resin consists of rProtein A covalently bound to cross-linked agarose beads. It provides a very stable bond that can greatly minimize leakage of the Protein A allowing for reuse of the affinity resin in several purification steps. Protein A Agarose resin is available in bulk from 5-100 ml quantities.

Protein A resin is good for the purification of a wide range of Immunoglobulins of different mammalian species and also certain IgG subclasses that have no other affinity (see additional information).

Protein A is a cell wall component of Staphylococcus aureus. It consists of a single polypeptide chain shaped as a cylinder, which contains five antibody–binding domains. These high affinity regions are specifically bonded to Fc region of the immunoglobulins (specially IgGs of different species).

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-400
Storage/Handling store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
P-400-5 In stock 5 mL $ 195.00
P-400-25 In stock 25 mL $ 755.00
P-400-50 In stock 50 mL $ 1,385.00
P-400-100 In stock 100 mL $ 2,349.00

Protein A Magnetic Agarose Beads

There is no image for Protein A Magnetic Agarose Beads Protein A Magnetic Agarose Beads
Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-404-2 2 mL $ 120.00
P-404-5 5 mL $ 284.00


Protein A Magnetic Agarose Beads are designed to provide the easiest and simplest method of monoclonal and polyclonal antibody purification. The antibodies are retained to the magnetic resin which are also covalently conjugated with recombinant Protein A. Magnetic agarose beads provide a convenient and quick method for purification without the need for pipetting or centrifugation. Washing, binding and elution steps will require a magnetic device.

Protein A Magnetic Beads are supplied as a 50% suspension of magnetic beads in 20% ethanol (Each 1000 μl of suspension contains 500 μl of magnetic beads.)

Binding Capacity: ~10 mg human IgG / ml resin.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-404
Storage/Handling store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
P-404-2 2-3 Weeks 2 mL $ 120.00
P-404-5 2-3 Weeks 5 mL $ 284.00

Protein G HTC Agarose Beads

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-430-5 5 mL $ 375.00
P-430-25 25 mL $ 1,306.00


Recombinant Protein G contains only IgG binding domains. The albumin-binding domain as well as cell wall and cell membrane binding domains of native Protein G have been removed to ensure the maximum specific IgG binding capacity.

GoldBio offers rProtein G resins to isolate and purify classes, subclasses and fragments of immunoglobulins from cell culture media and biological fluids. Rapid purification and high yield of purified immunoglobulin are obtainable by this method.

Protein G is covalently bound to highly cross-linked agarose beads, providing a very stable bond that can greatly minimize leakage of the Protein G and allowing for reuse of the affinity resin in several purification steps. This resin works well in High Flow conditions.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-430
Storage/Handling store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
P-430-5 In stock 5 mL $ 375.00
P-430-25 In stock 25 mL $ 1,306.00

S-Acetylthiocholine iodide

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-162-25 25 g $ 219.00
A-162-50 50 g $ 364.00
A-162-100 100 g $ 582.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-162
CAS # 1866-15-5
MW 289.18 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C. Protect from light.
UN Number 2811
Item Class 6.1
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
A-162-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 219.00
A-162-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 364.00
A-162-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 582.00

Streptavidin Agarose Resin

Catalog ID Size Pricing
S-105-1 1 mL $ 79.00
S-105-5 5 mL $ 289.00
S-105-10 10 mL $ 505.00


Streptavidin Agarose Resin is a high affinity biotin-binding chromatography resin with streptavidin covalently bound to 6% crosslinked agarose beads and a biotin binding capacity of >120 nmol/ml of gel. Immobilized Streptavidin resin is suitable for gravity flow columns, spin columns, and FPLC methods. Immobilized Streptavidin can be used for affinity chromatography purifications by separating biotinylated proteins from nonbiotinylated proteins and for affinity purification of antigens when used with biotinylated antibodies.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID S-105
Storage/Handling store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
S-105-1 In stock 1 mL $ 79.00
S-105-5 In stock 5 mL $ 289.00
S-105-10 1 week 10 mL $ 505.00

trans-Aconitic acid

There is no image for trans-Aconitic acid trans-Aconitic acid
Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-245-25 25 g $ 146.00
A-245-50 50 g $ 218.00
A-245-100 100 g $ 363.00
A-245-250 250 g $ 729.00
A-245-500 500 g $ 1,132.00


trans-Aconitic acid (abbreviated TAA) is the trans isomer of Aconitic acid. As an antimicrobial agent trans-Aconitic acid is used as an antileishmanial to prevent L. donovani from transforming from amastigotes to promastigotes, thus inhibiting the reproduction of the bacteria. In synthesis, TAA allows for the crosslinking of carboxylic acids to create polyvinyl alcohol films that are water-soluble. Found in range grasses at varying concentrations, it inhibits the tricarboxylic acid cycle it may be partially responsible for nutritional disorders in grazing cattle.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-245
CAS # 4023-65-8
MW 174.11 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-245-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 146.00
A-245-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 218.00
A-245-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 363.00
A-245-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 729.00
A-245-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 1,132.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-400-100 100 g $ 74.00
C-400-250 250 g $ 177.00
C-400-500 500 g $ 345.00
C-400-1 1 kg $ 545.00
C-400-2 2 kg $ 839.00


α-Cyclodextrin is a polysaccharide of six glucose units that are covalently attached end-to-end via α-1, 4 linkages. There are two other naturally occurring cyclodextrins, β- and Ɣ-, which contain seven and eight glucose units respectively. In water, these fibers take on a toroid or truncated cone configuration. In aqueous medium, the exterior surface of cyclodextrins is hydrophilic while the interior core is hydrophobic. This allows for the formation of guest-host relationships with small hydrophobic molecules.

α-Cyclodextrin is a natural, soluble dietary fiber. It has the unique ability among known fibers to bind nine times its weight in fat. This high ratio of binding makes α-Cyclodextrin practical as a weight loss supplement.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-400
CAS # 10016-20-3
MW 972.84 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-400-100 In stock 100 g $ 74.00
C-400-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 177.00
C-400-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 345.00
C-400-1 2-3 Weeks 1 kg $ 545.00
C-400-2 2-3 Weeks 2 kg $ 839.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-850-1 1 g $ 77.00
F-850-2 2 g $ 124.00
F-850-5 5 g $ 242.00
F-850-10 10 g $ 437.00
F-850-25 25 g $ 968.00


α-D-Fucose is a six-carbon deoxy monosaccharide. It is equivalent to 6-deoxy-D-galactose. D-fucose acts as a non-metabolizable analogue of L-arabinose and inhibits induction of the L-arabinose operon in some bacteria. Some resistant bacteria possess a mutant araC gene where D-fucose acts as a gratuitous inducer of the L-arabinose operon. D-fucose induces β-galactosidase to some extent in Lactobacillus plantarum.

α-D-fucose inhibits the eukaryotic enzyme Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1A), thereby causing gene repression. α-D-fucose is being explored in treatments for neurodegenerative diseases because of its effect on gene repression. Seen upregulated in many cancers, LSD1A overexpression pushes the cell cycle of otherwise non-transformed cells so α-D-fucose is being explored in cancers treatments as well.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-850
CAS # 3615-37-0
MW 164.16 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
F-850-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 77.00
F-850-2 2-3 Weeks 2 g $ 124.00
F-850-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 242.00
F-850-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 437.00
F-850-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 968.00

α-D-Galactose 1-phosphate, dipotassium salt pentahydrate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
G-105-500 500 mg $ 208.00
G-105-1 1 g $ 328.00
G-105-5 5 g $ 849.00


α-D-Galactose 1-phosphate, dipotassium salt pentahydrate is a phosphorylated sugar produced from galactose by galactokinase. It is an intermediate found in the conversion pathway of glucose and galactose.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID G-105
CAS # 19046-60-7
MW 426.39 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
G-105-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 208.00
G-105-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 328.00
G-105-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 849.00

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