
Showing 41-60 of 190 items.

Acidic FGF (FGF1), Murine

Catalog ID Size Pricing
1340-01-10 10 μg $ 115.00
1340-01-100 100 μg $ 355.00
1340-01-500 500 μg $ 749.00


FGF1 is a member of the Fibroblast Growth Factor family of proteins. Also called FGF-acidic or aFGF, FGF1 lacks signal peptides and is believed to be secreted by a nonclassical mechanism. It has been detected in large amounts in the brain and is expressed in hepatocyte cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, CNS neurons, skeletal muscle cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, intestinal columnar epithelial cells and pituitary basophils and acidophils. FGF1 exhibits considerable species cross-reactivity and stimulates the proliferation of cells of mesodermal origin as well as many cells of neuroectodermal, ectodermal, and endodermal origin. It is most closely associated with FGF2 (bFGF) (see additional information).

Product Specifications

Catalog ID 1340-01
MW ~15.9 kDa
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
1340-01-10 3-4 Weeks 10 μg $ 115.00
1340-01-100 3-4 Weeks 100 μg $ 355.00
1340-01-500 3-4 Weeks 500 μg $ 749.00

Acriflavine HCl

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-905-25 25 g $ 70.00


Acriflavine HCl is a compound predominantly used in cellular biology for fluorescence staining. It intercalates between the base pairs of DNA and RNA. Among the acridine dyes, acriflavine has the highest affinity for DNA. Acriflavine stains eukaryotic cells exceptionally well in humic substance environments. It provides a robust experimental consistency and reduces the effect of minor experimental errors. The binding of acriflavine to DNA can be observed from a characteristic red shift in an absorption spectrum. While having a high affinity for DNA, acriflavine is limited to euchromatin for both DNA and RNA.

Acriflavine has also been found to inhibit heterodimeric transcription factors, specifically called hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Studying the hyperactivity of HIFs has become a popular in oncology research, where chemicals like acriflavine are used to disrupt HIF activity of malignant cells. HIFs are activated in hypoxic conditions and promote angiogenesis to alleviate stress. They are normally regulated through proline and asparagine hydroxylation. Acriflavine halts HIF activity, specifically by binding to a subdomain of HIF-1α and HIF-2α.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-905
CAS # 8063-24-9
MW 468.98 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
A-905-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 70.00

Actinomycin D, USP Grade

There is no image for Actinomycin D, USP Grade Actinomycin D, USP Grade
Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-360-10 10 mg $ 165.00
A-360-25 25 mg $ 279.00


Actinomycin D is an antineoplastic antibiotic from Streptomyces species that inhibits cell proliferation by acting as a cytotoxic inducer of apoptosis against tumor cells, binding to DNA and inhibiting RNA polymerase activity. Actinomycin is also used in plant tissue culture to inhibit plant growth through tissue deformation where it also acts as an RNA-synthesis inhibitor. Along with its fluorescent derivative, 7aminoactinomycinD (7-AAD), Actinomycin is used to stain GC-rich regions of DNA for microscopy and flow cytometry applications.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-360
CAS # 50-76-0
MW 1255.41 g/mol
UN Number 3462
Item Class 6.1
Group Number II
Packs & Pricing
A-360-10 In stock 10 mg $ 165.00
A-360-25 In stock 25 mg $ 279.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-910-50 50 mg $ 138.00


Acycloguanosine is a guanosine analogue that is synthetically formed. It is markedly effective against the herpesvirus family, especially HSV (herpes simplex viruses) types one and two. Lab results have shown susceptibility to acycloguanosine which varies with the analogue’s concentration, respective to each virus.

Acycloguanosine functions as a HSV DNA polymerase inhibitor by integrating into the viral DNA, terminating polymerization. Integration occurs after being catalyzed by viral thymidine kinase into acyclovir triphosphate (Acyclo-GTP). Acycloguanosine is ineffective against non-viral genetic material, due to the lack of an appropriate thymidine kinase.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-910
CAS # 59277-89-3
MW 225.20 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-910-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 138.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-780-25 25 g $ 29.00
A-780-50 50 g $ 35.00
A-780-100 100 g $ 49.00


ADA is a zwitterionic buffering agent used in biochemistry and molecular biology that was first selected and described by Good et al. It is an acetamido buffer that is useful for a pH range of 6.0 – 7.2. ADA forms a complex with most common metals and stability constants should be taken into account when using this buffer. It has been used as a complexing agent to effectively help remove contaminant metals from soil. ADA absorbs UV light between 0.1 and 260 nm. Solubility of ADA increases if the free acid is converted to the sodium salt with NaOH.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-780
CAS # 26239-55-4
MW 190.22 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-780-25 In stock 25 g $ 29.00
A-780-50 In stock 50 g $ 35.00
A-780-100 In stock 100 g $ 49.00

Adenine 9-β-D-arabinofuranoside (Vidarabine)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-145-100 100 mg $ 57.00
A-145-500 500 mg $ 168.00


Adenine 9-beta-D-arabinofuranoside (ara-A) is a synthetically produced purine nucleoside that is used in cell signaling research. It has commonly been used in anti-viral research with hepadnaviridae and herpes simplex viruses. The nucleoside ara-A interferes with viral DNA synthesis, but only in its active phosphorylated form. Active ara-ATP inhibits synthesis by incorporating into viral DNA and preventing phosphodiester bridge formation.

The compound ara-A is a precursor of adenine 9-beta-D-arabinofuranoside 5’monophosphate (ara-AMP). In vivo rat experiments of ara-AMP have shown a higher solubility and affinity for some proteins, both of which facilitate ara-AMP movement. Isolated human hepatocytes have also been shown to specifically endocytose the albumin/ara-AMP conjugate.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-145
CAS # 5536-17-4
MW 267.24 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-145-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 57.00
A-145-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 168.00

Adenosine, Free Base

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-060-250 / / 250 g $ 104.00
A-060-500 / / 500 g $ 169.00
A-060-1 / / 1 kg $ 275.00


Adenosine is an endogenous nucleoside (comprising a molecule of adenine attached to a ribose sugar molecule) and neurotransmitter that can act as the preferred agonist at adenosine A receptor subtypes. The function of adenosine is primarily for cytoprotection and for preventing tissue damage in response to stress or injury.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-060
CAS # 58-61-7
MW 267.24 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-060-250 2-3 Weeks / / 250 g $ 104.00
A-060-500 2-3 Weeks / / 500 g $ 169.00
A-060-1 2-3 Weeks / / 1 kg $ 275.00

Adenosine-5'-Monophosphate (AMP), Disodium hexahydrate, Ultra Pure

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-082-10 10 g $ 55.00
A-082-25 25 g $ 95.00


Adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP) plays an important role in cellular metabolic processes as it is a precursor to adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP).

The phosphate in AMP can be correlated with ATP and ADP. AMP contains only one phosphate group attached at the 5’ position, whereas ATP consists of three phosphate groups attached in series to the 5’carbon location, and ADP contains two phosphate groups attached to the 5’ position. AMP can also have an activating effect on a class of protein kinases known as AMP-activated protein kinases, or AMPKs.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-082
CAS # 4578-31-8
MW 499.19 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store under inert gas at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
A-082-10 In stock 10 g $ 55.00
A-082-25 In stock 25 g $ 95.00

Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate (ATP), Disodium trihydrate, Ultra Pure

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-081-1 1 g $ 35.00
A-081-5 5 g $ 49.00
A-081-25 25 g $ 125.00
A-081-100 100 g $ 429.00
A-081-250 250 g $ 845.00


Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is an important molecule in vivo for energy storage and metabolism and is often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP is a coenzyme in multiple reactions as well as a substrate for multiple kinases where it helps to propagate a signal either inside or outside of the cell.

The three phosphates in ATP can be correlated with ADP and AMP. ATP consists of three phosphate groups attached in series to the 5’carbon location, whereas ADP contains two phosphate groups attached to the 5’ position, and AMP contains only one phosphate group attached at the 5’ position.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-081
CAS # 51963-61-2
MW 605.19 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
A-081-1 In stock 1 g $ 35.00
A-081-5 In stock 5 g $ 49.00
A-081-25 In stock 25 g $ 125.00
A-081-100 In stock 100 g $ 429.00
A-081-250 In stock 250 g $ 845.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-175-50 50 g $ 79.00
A-175-100 100 g $ 127.00
A-175-250 250 g $ 260.00
A-175-500 500 g $ 400.00


Adonitol, also known as ribitol, is the reduced alcohol form of ribose. Adonitol is found in plants of the genus Adonis, from which the molecule takes its name. It is a component of teichoic acids found in the cell walls of Gram positive bacteria. Adonitol is also a moiety present in riboflavin (vitamin B2). Adonitol is commonly used in media for cryopreservation and lyophilization of cells. It is metabolized by some microbes, but not others so an adonitol fermentation test can be used to help identify an unknown microbial organism.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-175
CAS # 488-81-3
MW 152.15 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
A-175-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 79.00
A-175-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 127.00
A-175-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 260.00
A-175-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 400.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-540-500 500 mg $ 65.00
A-540-1 1 g $ 115.00
A-540-2.5 2.5 g $ 245.00
A-540-5 5 g $ 365.00
A-540-10 10 g $ 659.00
A-540-25 25 g $ 1,475.00


AEBSF is an irreversible serine protease inhibitor. AEBSF has been shown to inhibit trypsin, chymotrypsin, plasmin, kallikrein and thrombin. It inhibits by acylation of the active site of the enzyme. As an alternative to PMSF and DFP, AEBSF offers lower toxicity, improved solubility in water and improved stability in aqueous solutions. AEBSF has been used in cell culture in concentrations of up to 0.25 mM. Aqueous solutions are stable between pH 5-6; limited stability above pH 7.5.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-540
Name(s) AEBSF·HCl;
Pefabloc SC;
4-(2-Aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonylfluoride hydrochloride
CAS # 30827-99-7
Formula C8H10FNO2S · HCl
MW 239.69 g/mol
PubChem Chemical ID 186136
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
A-540-500 In stock 500 mg $ 65.00
A-540-1 In stock 1 g $ 115.00
A-540-2.5 In stock 2.5 g $ 245.00
A-540-5 In stock 5 g $ 365.00
A-540-10 In stock 10 g $ 659.00
A-540-25 In stock 25 g $ 1,475.00

Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-201-100 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 1 kg $ 705.00


Agarose LE (Low Electroendosmosis) is Molecular Biology Grade and is specifically designed for the superior separation of nucleic acids, with maximally crisp band resolution, and is also ideal for cloning and cloning related experiments.

GoldBio Agarose LE is refined in an advanced process that excludes the use of organic solvents. The result is a cleaner end-product with significantly reduced environmental impact. The agarose can be used for analyses of nucleic acids from 50 bp to 25 kbp, protein electrophoresis and various blotting protocols.

The low EEO of the agarose promotes increased electrophoretic mobility, yielding improved resolution and shorter run times. This also allows macromolecules and larger particles (subcellular fragments, viruses, etc.) to migrate more freely through the gel matrix. The consistently low EEO reduces band distortion (caused by counterflow) that can result from the presence of excessive sulfate-rich negative ions.

Agarose is a natural product that forms an inert matrix used in electrophoresis, chromatography and other molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. Likewise, it is neutral and easily derivatizable, so it is easy to bind to its structure proteins like enzymes, antigens or antibodies. Toxicity absence makes working with agarose very convenient.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-201
CAS # 9012-36-6
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-201-100 In stock 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 In stock 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 In stock 1 kg $ 705.00

AGL-1 (pSoup) Agrobacterium Chemically Competent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-116-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00   $ 152.00
CC-116-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00   $ 268.00
CC-116-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00   $ 360.00


GoldBio’s AGL-1 (pSoup) chemically competent Agrobacterium cells are optimized for high transformation efficiencies, making them ideal for applications such as cDNA or gDNA library construction. These cells are resistant to rifampicin, carbenicillin, and streptomycin, providing versatility in selection and antibiotic resistance. The Ti plasmid pTiBo542DT-DNA has been engineered to have the T-DNA region deleted, which can be complemented with a binary vector containing the missing T-region to restore the T-DNA binary system function. This feature enables efficient and precise transformation of plant genomes.

The pSoup plasmid present in these cells is required for the replication of pGreen, 62SK, and pGs2 series plasmids, increasing the range of applications for the AGL-1 (pSoup) system. These competent cells are suitable for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dicots such as Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, potato, as well as monocots like corn, making them an ideal choice for plant molecular biology research.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: Chemically Competent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1 (pSoup)
Transformation efficiency: ≥3 x 103 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-116-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00
$ 152.00
CC-116-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00
$ 268.00
CC-116-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00
$ 360.00

AGL-1 (pSoup) Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-218-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00   $ 160.00
CC-218-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00   $ 288.00
CC-218-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00   $ 388.00


AGL-1 (pSoup) electrocompetent Agrobacterium cells are a highly efficient system for genetic transformation in various plant species. This strain is derived from the C58 RecA-type Agrobacterium strain and carries the rifampicin, carbenicillin, and streptomycin resistance genes for selection purposes. The Ti plasmid pTiBo542DT-DNA used in this system has a deleted T-DNA region, and instead contains a binary vector that restores the T-DNA binary system function.

The presence of the pSoup helper plasmid is required for the replication of pGreen, 62SK, and pGs2 series plasmids, helping to enhance the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dicotyledonous plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, and potato, as well as monocotyledonous plants such as corn.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: ElectroCompetent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1 (pSoup)
Transformation efficiency: ≥2 x 108 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-218-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00
$ 160.00
CC-218-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00
$ 288.00
CC-218-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00
$ 388.00

AGL-1 (pSoup-P19) Agrobacterium Chemically Competent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-126-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00   $ 152.00
CC-126-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00   $ 268.00
CC-126-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00   $ 360.00


GoldBio’s AGL-1 (pSoup-P19) chemically competent Agrobacterium cells are optimized for high transformation efficiencies, making them ideal for applications such as cDNA or gDNA library construction. These cells are resistant to rifampicin, carbenicillin, and streptomycin, providing versatility in selection and antibiotic resistance. The Ti plasmid pTiBo542DT-DNA has been engineered to have the T-DNA region deleted, which can be complemented with a binary vector containing the missing T-region to restore the T-DNA binary system function. This feature enables efficient and precise transformation of plant genomes.

The pSoup plasmid present in these cells is required for the replication of pGreen, 62SK, and pGs2 series plasmids. The p19 protein is derived from tomato bush dwarf virus and improves the stability of heterologous gene transcripts by inhibiting RNA silencing of foreign genes and increasing the range of applications for the AGL-1 (pSoup-P19) system. These competent cells are suitable for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dicots such as Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, potato, as well as monocots like corn, making them an ideal choice for plant molecular biology research.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: Chemically Competent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1 (pSoup-P19)
Transformation efficiency: ≥2 x 103 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-126-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00
$ 152.00
CC-126-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00
$ 268.00
CC-126-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00
$ 360.00

AGL-1 (pSoup-P19) Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-228-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00   $ 160.00
CC-228-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00   $ 288.00
CC-228-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00   $ 388.00


AGL-1 (pSoup-P19) electrocompetent Agrobacterium cells are a highly efficient system for genetic transformation in various plant species. This strain is derived from the C58 RecA-type Agrobacterium strain and carries the rifampicin, carbenicillin, and streptomycin resistance genes for selection purposes. The Ti plasmid pTiBo542DT-DNA used in this system has a deleted T-DNA region, and instead contains a binary vector that restores the T-DNA binary system function.

The presence of the pSoup helper plasmid is required for the replication of pGreen, 62SK, and pGs2 series plasmids. The p19 protein is derived from tomato bush dwarf virus and further improves the stability of heterologous gene transcripts by inhibiting RNA silencing of foreign. These features help to enhance the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dicotyledonous plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, and potato, as well as monocotyledonous plants such as corn.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: ElectroCompetent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1 (pSoup-P19)
Transformation efficiency: ≥1 x 108 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-228-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00
$ 160.00
CC-228-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00
$ 288.00
CC-228-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00
$ 388.00

AGL-1 Agrobacterium Chemically Competent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-106-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00   $ 152.00
CC-106-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00   $ 268.00
CC-106-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00   $ 360.00


GoldBio’s AGL-1 Agrobacterium chemically competent cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our AGL-1 strain harbors the C58 chromosomal backbone with an insertion mutation in its recA recombination gene. This mutation stabilizes recombinant plasmids. AGL-1 also has rifampicin and carbenicillin resistance genes in the genome useful for selection. A functional T-DNA binary system can be built using our AGL-1 strains as the T-DNA region has been deleted from the Ti plasmid pTiBO542 and instead it has a binary vector containing the missing T-region. The binary system makes possible to transfer genetic material into a host plant S genome. Therefore, our system is often used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in mono and dicotyledonous species such as Arabidopsis thaliana, maize, and other plants.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: Chemical Competent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1
Transformation efficiency: ≥4 x 104 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-106-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00
$ 152.00
CC-106-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00
$ 268.00
CC-106-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00
$ 360.00

AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-208-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00   $ 160.00
CC-208-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00   $ 288.00
CC-208-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00   $ 388.00


GoldBio’s AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our AGL-1 strain harbors the C58 chromosomal backbone with an insertion mutation in its recA recombination gene. This mutation stabilizes recombinant plasmids. AGL-1 also has rifampicin and carbenicillin resistance genes in the genome useful for selection. A functional T-DNA binary system can be built using our AGL-1 strains as the T-DNA region has been deleted in the Ti plasmid pTiBO542 and instead it has a binary vector containing the missing T-region. The binary system makes possible to transfer genetic material into a host plant’s genome. Therefore, our system is often used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in mono and dicotyledonous species such as Arabidopsis thaliana, maize, and other plants.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: ElectroCompetent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: AGL-1
Transformation efficiency: ≥5 x 107 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-208-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00
$ 160.00
CC-208-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00
$ 288.00
CC-208-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00
$ 388.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-210-100 100 mg $ 60.00
A-210-10 10 g $ 69.00


Albendazole is a benzimidazole derivative typically used as a comprehensive antiparasitic belonging to the anthelminthic group and works by disrupting microtubule formation. Microtubule disruption diminishes glucose transport which increases glycogen catabolism. Eventually, this net loss of energy results in tissue death.

The resulting tissue death caused by microtubule formation is a sought after mechanism in oncology research. In vitro research of albendazole on HNSCC (head and neck squamous cancer cells) had shown cell cycle arrest in G2/M stage, resulting in apoptosis. Disruption of microtubule formation also prevented malignant cell migration.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-210
CAS # 54965-21-8
MW 265.33 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-210-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 60.00
A-210-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 69.00

Alkaline Phosphatase, 2-Component System

There is no image for Alkaline Phosphatase, 2-Component System Alkaline Phosphatase, 2-Component System
Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-440-1 1 KU $ 146.00


Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme commonly used for the removal of terminal phosphates from the 5' end of DNA or RNA strands to prevent reannealing of the cohesive ends and facilitate future radiolabeling of the strands.

This system includes 30 U/μL of alkaline phosphatase in a 50% glycerol solution and a dilution buffer that allows for the preparation of a 3 U/μL solution for use in DNA modification.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-440
Storage/Handling store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
A-440-1 In stock 1 KU $ 146.00

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