
Anti-Virals are inhibitors of viral mRNA activity. They prevent development of certain viruses such as HIV, RSV, and HCV. This makes these agents useful for controlling the growth of viruses in a medium, and allows for control of their reproduction.
Showing 1-13 of 13 items.


Catalog ID Size Pricing
M-315-10 10 mg $ 158.00
M-315-25 25 mg $ 341.00


2'-C-Methylcytidine is a nucleoside analog with antiviral properties. It has shown be a potent replication inhibitor, in vivo, towards multiple RNA viruses including hepatitus C virus (HCV). 2'-C-Methylcytidine has been shown inhibit viral RNA polymerase, disrupting replicon formation and preventing viral proliferation. While 2'-C-Methycytidine is a strong antiviral, it has exhibited low oral bioavailability.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID M-315
CAS # 20724-73-6
MW 257.24 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
M-315-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 158.00
M-315-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 341.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-910-50 50 mg $ 138.00


Acycloguanosine is a guanosine analogue that is synthetically formed. It is markedly effective against the herpesvirus family, especially HSV (herpes simplex viruses) types one and two. Lab results have shown susceptibility to acycloguanosine which varies with the analogue’s concentration, respective to each virus.

Acycloguanosine functions as a HSV DNA polymerase inhibitor by integrating into the viral DNA, terminating polymerization. Integration occurs after being catalyzed by viral thymidine kinase into acyclovir triphosphate (Acyclo-GTP). Acycloguanosine is ineffective against non-viral genetic material, due to the lack of an appropriate thymidine kinase.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-910
CAS # 59277-89-3
MW 225.20 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-910-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 138.00

Adenine 9-β-D-arabinofuranoside (Vidarabine)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-145-100 100 mg $ 57.00
A-145-500 500 mg $ 168.00


Adenine 9-beta-D-arabinofuranoside (ara-A) is a synthetically produced purine nucleoside that is used in cell signaling research. It has commonly been used in anti-viral research with hepadnaviridae and herpes simplex viruses. The nucleoside ara-A interferes with viral DNA synthesis, but only in its active phosphorylated form. Active ara-ATP inhibits synthesis by incorporating into viral DNA and preventing phosphodiester bridge formation.

The compound ara-A is a precursor of adenine 9-beta-D-arabinofuranoside 5’monophosphate (ara-AMP). In vivo rat experiments of ara-AMP have shown a higher solubility and affinity for some proteins, both of which facilitate ara-AMP movement. Isolated human hepatocytes have also been shown to specifically endocytose the albumin/ara-AMP conjugate.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-145
CAS # 5536-17-4
MW 267.24 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
A-145-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 57.00
A-145-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 168.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-820-10 10 mg $ 335.00
A-820-25 25 mg $ 669.00


Asunaprevir is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme serine protease NS3 in hepatitis C viruses (HCV) and is currently in phase III clinical trials. This enzyme’s C terminal functions as a helicase for host DNA allowing access for viral manipulation. Asunaprevir is used in tandem with ribavirin and other direct or indirect acting antiviral compounds results in a thorough eradication of HCV.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-820
CAS # 630420-16-5
MW 748.28 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
A-820-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 335.00
A-820-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 669.00

Chicoric acid

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-815-10 10 mg $ 94.00
C-815-25 25 mg $ 168.00


Chicoric acid is a hydroxycinnamic acid that occurs in a variety of plants such as Cichorium intybus and Echinacea purpurea. It has been used as an anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and an insulin enhancer.

Chicoric acid has specifically been used as an inhibitor of integrase enzymes in human immunodeficiency virus type one (HIV1). Inhibition of this enzyme prevents viral genetic material from being incorporated into host DNA. It specifically shows activity towards HIV1 and not HIV2.

Chicoric acid presence for in vivo and in vitro studies have shown a stimulation in AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) expression. The upregulation in AMPK expression results in the observed antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and insulin enhancing effects. Anti-oxidizing protein synthesis has been increased through AMPK stimulation. AMPK has also been shown to diminish inflammatory responses by increasing interleukin 10 synthesis (IL10), an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Chicoric acid stimulation of AMPK inhibits glucose-6-phosphate formation, promoting glucose utilization. The release of insulin by pancreatic β-islet cells has been correlated with direct stimulation by chicoric acid.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-815
CAS # 6537-80-8
MW 474.37 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-815-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 94.00
C-815-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 168.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-615-1 1 g $ 107.00
C-615-5 5 g $ 422.00


Chlorhexidine is a cationic polybisbiguanide used as a detergent as well as a bactericidal, anti-viral and antifungal agent. It has been used against an array of oral pathogens, with a high effectiveness toward gram-negative bacteria.

Chlorhexidine, when placed into physiological pH, dissociates into its cationic form and binds to the negatively charged bacterial wall. This binding will cause cytosolic leakage at low concentrations and lytic effects at high chlorohexidine concentrations. However, chlorhexidine activity can be halted upon interaction with anionic compounds.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-615
CAS # 55-56-1
MW 505.45 g/mol
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
C-615-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 107.00
C-615-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 422.00

Chlorhexidine diacetate salt

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-250-25 25 g $ 214.00


Chlorhexidine diacetate salt is a diacetate derivative of a cationic polybisbiguanide that has bactericidal, anti-fungal and anti-viral activity. It has also been used for in vivo pharmacokinetic research to investigate drug release rates.

Chlorhexidine, when placed into physiological pH, dissociates into its cationic form and binds to the negatively charged bacterial wall. This binding will cause cytosolic leakage at low concentrations and lytic effects at high chlorohexidine concentrations. However, chlorhexidine activity can be halted upon interaction with anionic compounds.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-250
CAS # 56-95-1
MW 625.55 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-250-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 214.00

Chlorhexidine HCl

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-725-5 5 g $ 60.00
C-725-25 25 g $ 220.00


Chlorhexidine HCl is the cationic salt form of chlorhexidine, a bactericidal detergent. Chlorhexidine HCl has strong bactericidal activity and is used for in vitro bactericidal assays as a positive control.

The compound functions as a bactericidal agent by interacting with the negatively charged bacterial cell wall. Contact of the cationic salt with the cell wall causes cytosolic leakage at low chlorohexidine HCl concentrations and cell lysis at higher concentrations. Duration of antibacterial effects has been shown to be enhanced by incorporating chlorhexidine HCl into human albumin microspheres. This lengthened antibacterial activity against Escheria coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-725
CAS # 3697-42-5
MW 578.37 g/mol
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
C-725-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 60.00
C-725-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 220.00

Cidofovir dihydrate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-275-10 10 mg $ 74.00
C-275-50 50 mg $ 269.00


Cidofovir dihydrate is an acyclic analog of deoxycytidine monophosphate that is used as an antiviral. It targets a wide range of DNA viruses including, Poxviridae, Papillomaviridae and a high degree of activity against cytomegaloviruses.

Cidofovir dihydrate interrupts viral proliferation by inhibiting viral DNA synthesis. Host cell protein kinases phosphorylate cidofovir dihydrate to its active form cidofovir diphosphate. The active metabolite competes with deoxycytidine triphosphate for the viral DNA polymerase. Incorporation of Cidofovir diphosphate into the DNA strand halts synthesis and viral replication.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-275
CAS # 149394-66-1
MW 315.22 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-275-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 74.00
C-275-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 269.00

Epigallocatechin gallate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
E-515-50 50 mg $ 77.00
E-515-100 100 mg $ 141.00


EGCG has been shown to have a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram positive and some gram negative bacteria. It is used synergistically with penicillin binding protein inhibitors because both target peptidoglycan on the cell wall. While the exact mechanism is not known, research on EGCG activity indicates bacterial cell wall damage by direct peptidoglycan binding.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID E-515
CAS # 989-51-5
MW 458.37 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
E-515-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 77.00
E-515-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 141.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-800-10 10 mg $ 214.00


Formononetin is an isoflavonoid phytoestrogen that is used in microbiology and oncology research as a vasodilator, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent. It has also been used as an anti-parasitic compound against Giardia lamblia trophozoites however, the mechanism of action is not well understood.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-800
CAS # 485-72-3
MW 268.26 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
F-800-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 214.00


There is no image for Germacrone Germacrone
Catalog ID Size Pricing
G-100-10 10 mg $ 450.00


Germacrone is an essential oil extracted from Rhizoma curcuma and has been used as an anti-cancer and anti-viral agent. It has been shown to eliminate hepatic and breast cancer cell lines by inhibiting cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activity. It has also been shown to upregulate apoptotic protein expression.

Inhibition of viral replication by germacrone occurs early in the virus cycle. When used against influenza, germacrone inhibited in vivo and in vitro viral replication by inhibiting viral RNA and protein synthesis. This prevents viral replication after splicing DNA by removing the needed materials for proliferation.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID G-100
CAS # 6902-91-6
MW 218.33 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
G-100-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 450.00


There is no image for Ribavirin Ribavirin
Catalog ID Size Pricing
R-700-50 50 g $ 97.00
R-700-100 100 g $ 162.00
R-700-250 250 g $ 322.00
R-700-500 500 g $ 488.00
R-700-1000 1 kg $ 750.00


Ribavirin is broad-spectrum antiviral nucleoside active against HIV, RSV, HCV, and adenovirus. It functions as a precursor to diphosphates and triphosphates, which inhibit viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Ribavirin is an inhibitor of purine biosynthesis. Additionally, a metabolite of ribavirin, ribavirin 5’-phosphate, is an inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID R-700
CAS # 36791-04-5
MW 244.20 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
R-700-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 97.00
R-700-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 162.00
R-700-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 322.00
R-700-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 488.00
R-700-1000 2-3 Weeks 1 kg $ 750.00

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