Dyes, Stains, & Indicators

Gold Biotechnology's dyes and stains are used in numerous biological applications, including protein staining, electrophoresis, bacterial classification and Western staining. GoldBio’s catalog of high-quality dyes include Basic Fuschin, Brilliant Green, Bromocresol Green, Bromophenol Blue, Coomassie Stains, Crystal Violet, Orange G, Ponceau S and Xylenol Blue, among others. GoldBio guarantees high-quality products with excellent quality control and at a price that means you can focus your research money on your research.
Showing 1-20 of 29 items.


Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-249-1 1 g $ 463.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-249
CAS # 403-90-7
MW 199.18 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
F-249-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 463.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
D-215-5 5 g $ 159.00
D-215-10 10 g $ 238.00
D-215-25 25 g $ 476.00
D-215-50 50 g $ 859.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D-215
CAS # 84562-48-1
MW 179.22 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C. Protect from light and air.
Packs & Pricing
D-215-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 159.00
D-215-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 238.00
D-215-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 476.00
D-215-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 859.00

4-Methylumbelliferyl a-L-idopyranosiduronic acid sodium salt

Catalog ID Size Pricing
M-490-10 10 mg $ 654.00
M-490-25 25 mg $ 1,453.00


4-Methylumbelliferyl alpha-L-idopyranosiduronic acid sodium salt is a carbohydrate acid and organic sodium salt applied as an indicator. It is the fluorogenic substrate used in assays of α-L-Iduronidase and iduronate-2-sulfatase for identifying Hurler syndrome, also called mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I). The disorder is characterized by α -L iduronidase enzyme deficiency, resulting in the buildup of glucosaminoglycans. Tests measure the chemical products 4-MU-α-IdoA or fluorophate 4-MU emitted following the enzymatic action of 4-Methylumbelliferyl alpha-L-idopyranosiduronic acid sodium salt. The substance is a white crystalline powder and is soluble in ethanol, methanol and water.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID M-490
CAS # 89157-94-8
MW 374.27 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
M-490-10 2-3 Weeks 10 mg $ 654.00
M-490-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 1,453.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-385-1 1 g $ 66.00
B-385-5 5 g $ 178.00
B-385-10 10 g $ 282.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-385
CAS # 15548-60-4
MW 408.64 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
B-385-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 66.00
B-385-5 In stock 5 g $ 178.00
B-385-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 282.00


There is no image for 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine
Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-385-100 100 mg $ 84.00
C-385-500 500 mg $ 298.00
C-385-1 1 g $ 525.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-385
CAS # 91809-66-4
MW 430.45 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-385-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 84.00
C-385-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 298.00
C-385-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 525.00


There is no image for 6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine 6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine
Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-360-50 50 mg $ 73.00
C-360-100 100 mg $ 117.00
C-360-250 250 mg $ 218.00
C-360-500 500 mg $ 364.00
C-360-1 1 g $ 654.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-360
CAS # 91809-67-5
MW 430.45 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-360-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 73.00
C-360-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 117.00
C-360-250 2-3 Weeks 250 mg $ 218.00
C-360-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 364.00
C-360-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 654.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-215-50 50 mg $ 206.00
F-215-100 100 mg $ 344.00
F-215-250 250 mg $ 612.00


6-Fluoro-3-indoxyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside is a biological substrate used as an chromogenic indicator in biochemical assays.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-215
CAS # 207727-11-5
MW 313.29 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
F-215-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 206.00
F-215-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 344.00
F-215-250 2-3 Weeks 250 mg $ 612.00

8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt

There is no image for 8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt 8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt
Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-800-25 25 mg $ 67.00
A-800-500 500 mg $ 467.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-800
CAS # 196504-57-1
MW 523.40 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-800-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 67.00
A-800-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 467.00

Acriflavine HCl

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-905-25 25 g $ 70.00


Acriflavine HCl is a compound predominantly used in cellular biology for fluorescence staining. It intercalates between the base pairs of DNA and RNA. Among the acridine dyes, acriflavine has the highest affinity for DNA. Acriflavine stains eukaryotic cells exceptionally well in humic substance environments. It provides a robust experimental consistency and reduces the effect of minor experimental errors. The binding of acriflavine to DNA can be observed from a characteristic red shift in an absorption spectrum. While having a high affinity for DNA, acriflavine is limited to euchromatin for both DNA and RNA.

Acriflavine has also been found to inhibit heterodimeric transcription factors, specifically called hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Studying the hyperactivity of HIFs has become a popular in oncology research, where chemicals like acriflavine are used to disrupt HIF activity of malignant cells. HIFs are activated in hypoxic conditions and promote angiogenesis to alleviate stress. They are normally regulated through proline and asparagine hydroxylation. Acriflavine halts HIF activity, specifically by binding to a subdomain of HIF-1α and HIF-2α.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-905
CAS # 8063-24-9
MW 468.98 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
A-905-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 70.00

Basic Fuchsin

Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-060-25 25 g $ 79.00
F-060-100 100 g $ 189.00


Basic fuchsin is a fluorescent dye composed of rosaniline, magenta II, pararosaniline and new fuschsine. Basic fuchsin staining is certified to use for the detection of acid-fast bacilli and is commonly used in the Ziehl Neelsen staining method.

This dye has also been shown to stain tubercle Bacillus and to compare E. coli and Aerobacter aerogenes.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-060
CAS # 632-99-5
MW 337.85 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
F-060-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 79.00
F-060-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 189.00

Blazin' Blue™ Protein Gel Stain

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-810-1 1 L $ 127.00


Blazin' Blue™ Protein Gel Stain is a ready-to-use protein gel staining solution that is a safer and more effective replacement for traditional Coomassie stains. Blazin' Blue™ offers a faster alternative to protein staining (5-60 minutes) in a single step without the need for fixation or washing. Protein bands can be detected through visible blue staining or by near-infrared fluorescence. And since Blazin' Blue™ is aqueous based, there are no hazardous chemicals like methanol or acetic acid to worry about. Blazin' Blue™ Protein Gel Stain is certified under CCR Title 22 as non-toxic to the environment for drain disposal after a simple pH neutralization step.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-810
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
P-810-1 In stock 1 L $ 127.00

Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent Protein Gel Stain

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-820-1 1 L $ 166.00


Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent Protein Gel Stain is a ready-to-use luminescent protein gel staining solution that is a safer and more effective replacement for traditional fluorescent staining. Blazin' Bright™ offers a faster alternative to protein staining (5-60 minutes) in a single step without the need for fixation (destaining is optional). The Blazin' Bright™ gel stains are aqueous based, there are no hazardous chemicals like methanol or acetic acid to worry about. Blazin' Bright™ Protein Gel Stain is certified under CCR Title 22 as non-toxic to the environment for drain disposal after a simple pH neutralization step.

Blazin' Bright™ has a detection limit around 1-10 ng, depending on the detection method used (staining intensity varies between proteins) and does not cause gel shrinkage. Blazin' Bright™ staining is also fully compatible with mass spectrometry (MS) and Edman-based sequencing.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-820
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
P-820-1 In stock 1 L $ 166.00

Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-825-1 1 L $ 224.00


Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain is a ready-to-use luminescent protein gel staining solution that is a safer and more effective replacement for traditional fluorescent staining. Gels stained with our Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain can be visualized rapidly (5-30 minutes) in a single step without fixation (destaining is optional). The Blazin' Bright™ gel stains are aqueous based, there are no hazardous chemicals like methanol or acetic acid to worry about. Blazin' Bright™ Protein Gel Stain is certified under CCR Title 22 as non-toxic to the environment for drain disposal after a simple pH neutralization step.

Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV has a detection limit around 1-10 ng, depending on the detection method used (staining intensity varies between proteins) and does not cause gel shrinkage. Blazin' Bright™ staining is also fully compatible with mass spectrometry (MS) and Edman-based sequencing.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-825
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
P-825-1 In stock 1 L $ 224.00

Brilliant Green

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-080-100 100 g $ 87.00


Brilliant Green is a stain for differentiating E. coli from S. typhosa. It is also used in bacteriological media.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-080
CAS # 633-03-4
MW 482.63 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-080-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 87.00

Bromocresol Green, Sodium Salt, ACS Grade

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-091-10 10 g $ 72.00
B-091-25 25 g $ 149.00
B-091-50 50 g $ 238.00
B-091-100 100 g $ 357.00


Bromocresol Green sodium salt is a tracking dye for RNA gels with a pH range of 3.8 (yellow) to 5.4 (blue).

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-091
CAS # 62625-32-5
MW 720.00 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
B-091-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 72.00
B-091-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 149.00
B-091-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 238.00
B-091-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 357.00

Bromophenol Blue Free Acid, ACS Grade

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-092-5 5 g $ 39.00
B-092-25 25 g $ 49.00
B-092-100 100 g $ 115.00


Bromophenol blue is a dye for tracking proteins and nucleic acids in gel electrophoresis. Bromophenol blue migrates at about the same rate as ~500bp DNA in a 1% agarose gel and at the buffer front in protein polyacrylamide gels.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-092
CAS # 115-39-9
MW 669.96 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-092-5 In stock 5 g $ 39.00
B-092-25 In stock 25 g $ 49.00
B-092-100 In stock 100 g $ 115.00

Bromothymol blue sodium salt

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-750-10 10 g $ 91.00
B-750-100 100 g $ 392.00
B-750-250 250 g $ 838.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-750
CAS # 34722-90-2
MW 646.36 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-750-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 91.00
B-750-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 392.00
B-750-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 838.00

Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-460-5 5 g $ 29.00
C-460-25 25 g $ 39.00
C-460-50 50 g $ 75.00


Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 (CBBG) is a member of the Coomassie family and is used as a common analytical dye in SDS-PAGE and BN-PAGE. CBBG can also be used with the Bradford Method to determine protein concentration.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-460
CAS # 6104-58-1
MW 854.02 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-460-5 In stock 5 g $ 29.00
C-460-25 In stock 25 g $ 39.00
C-460-50 In stock 50 g $ 75.00

Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-461-5 5 g $ 39.00
C-461-25 25 g $ 55.00
C-461-100 100 g $ 89.00


Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (CBBR) is a member of the Coomassie family and is used extensively as an analytical dye in SDS-PAGE.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-461
CAS # 6104-59-2
MW 825.97 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-461-5 In stock 5 g $ 39.00
C-461-25 In stock 25 g $ 55.00
C-461-100 In stock 100 g $ 89.00

Crystal violet

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-328-100 100 g $ 89.00


Crystal violet is used in the classification of bacteria and is the active ingredient in Gram stain.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-328
CAS # 548-62-9
MW 407.99 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
C-328-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 89.00

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