Reagents for Organic Synthesis

These GoldBio products are typically used as intermediaries for the synthesis of organic molecules. Sparteine is a chiral base used as a ligand in organic chemical synthesis, while 10-Deacetylbaccatin and 5-Hydroxytryptophan are intermediates in the synthesis of the anti-cancer drug docetaxel and serotonin, respectively. GoldBio intermediaries allow for confident synthesis, every time.

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.


There is no image for (+)-Spartein (+)-Spartein
Catalog ID Size Pricing
S-850-1 1 g $ 73.00
S-850-5 5 g $ 233.00
S-850-10 10 g $ 364.00
S-850-25 25 g $ 727.00


Spartein is a class 1a antiarrhythmic agent sodium channel blocker from scotch broom. As a reagent it can be used to synthesize multiple different transformation catalysts and other molecules.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID S-850
CAS # 492-08-0
MW 234.38 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
S-850-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 73.00
S-850-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 233.00
S-850-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 364.00
S-850-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 727.00

10-Deacetyl Baccatin III

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D-550-5 5 mg $ 232.00
D-550-25 25 mg $ 870.00


10-Deacetyl baccatin III is an intermediate in the synthesis of the chemotherapeutic drug, paclitaxel (taxol). It is produced by and isolated from Taxus baccata. 10-Deacetyl baccatin III is an immiscible organic compound.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D-550
CAS # 32981-86-5
MW 544.59 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
D-550-5 2-3 Weeks 5 mg $ 232.00
D-550-25 2-3 Weeks 25 mg $ 870.00

L-5-Hydroxytryptophan dihydrate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
H-251-10 10 g $ 927.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID H-251
CAS # 145224-90-4
MW 256.26 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
H-251-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 927.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-460-100 100 mg $ 318.00


Nitrovin is a C-nitro compound with its NO2 group attached to a carbon atom. This reagent is a nitrofuran and guanidine which can be applied in chemistry as an organic building block.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-460
CAS # 804-36-4
MW 360.28 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-460-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 318.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
D-240-1 1 g $ 118.00
D-240-2 2 g $ 207.00
D-240-5 5 g $ 392.00
D-240-10 10 g $ 722.00
D-240-25 25 g $ 1,441.00


Ribonolactone is a monosaccharide carbohydrate beta-lactone which can function as a reagent. In chiral acrylics, cyclopentenones and oxabicyclic systems, Ribonolactone is a building block. Research on the substance involves carbohydrate chemistry and photochemical synthesis. Ribonolactone has been identified as an effective analyte protectant for GC/MS analyzing pesticide. This metabolite which has been isolated in human biofluids when the individuals suffer from neuroblastoma.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D-240
CAS # 15384-34-6
MW 148.11 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
D-240-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 118.00
D-240-2 2-3 Weeks 2 g $ 207.00
D-240-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 392.00
D-240-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 722.00
D-240-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 1,441.00

Sodium Tartrate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
S-940-250 250 g $ 45.00
S-940-500 500 g $ 75.00
S-940-1 1 kg $ 135.00
S-940-2.5 2.5 kg $ 229.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID S-940
CAS # 868-18-8
MW 194.05 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
S-940-250 In stock 250 g $ 45.00
S-940-500 In stock 500 g $ 75.00
S-940-1 In stock 1 kg $ 135.00
S-940-2.5 In stock 2.5 kg $ 229.00

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