Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt

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Product Description

Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt is an electrolyte used in lithium batteries with high conductivity. Additionally, it has been used as an ionic liquid to prepare gel polymer electrolytes and to prepare a chiral imidazolium salt.

Product Specifications:
Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt

Formula: C2F6LiNO4S2

MW: 287.09 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store under inert gas at room temperature. Protect from light.

PubChem Chemical ID: 3816071

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-340
CAS # 90076-65-6
MW 287.09 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store under inert gas at room temperature. Protect from light.
UN Number 2923
Item Class 8 (6.1)
Group Number II

Technical Documentation

P Protocol
O Other
C Certificate of Analysis
S Safety Data Sheet

View Sizes & Pricing

Catalog Number:
{{ currentSelection && currentSelection.sku ? currentSelection.sku : '...' }}
CAS Number:
{{ casNumber && casNumber.value ? casNumber.value : '...' }}
On Sale:
${{ currentSelection.price }} ${{ currentSelection.sale_price }}
{{ currentSelection.availability }}
$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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