IGFBP7, Human

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Product Description

GoldBio growth factors are manufactured for RESEARCH USE ONLY and cannot be sold for human consumption!

Recombinant HumanInsulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7
IGF Binding Protein-Related Protein 1 (IGFBPrP1)
Tumor-derived Adhesion Factor (TAF)
Prostacyclin Stimulating Factor (PSF)
Angiomodulin (AGM)

IGFBP7 belongs to the superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins and is encoded by the IGFBP7 gene in human. It is expressed in a wide range of normal human tissues and it generally shows reduced expression in cancer cell lines of prostate, breast, colon, and lung origin. IGFBP7 includes conserved cysteine residues. IGFBP7 modulates the biological activities of IGF proteins. It also suppresses growth and colony formation of prostate and breast cancer cell lines. Above all, IGFBP7 is a very important factor in skeletal myogenesis. Human IGFBP7 cDNA encodes a 282 amino acid (a.a.) residue precursor protein with a putative 26 a.a. signal peptide.

Sterile Filtered White lyophilized powder. Purified and tested for use in cell culture.

Source: Escherichia coli

MW:~26.4 kDa (256 amino acids)

Purity:>95% by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analyses.

Storage/Handling:Store desiccated at -20°C.

HGNC: 5476


Additional resources for this protein may be found at:

Product Specifications

Catalog ID 1150-01B7
MW ~26.4 kDa
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C.

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CAS Number:
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$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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